ReachOut Partents : Teach your teenager to be a good friend

ReachOut Partents : Teach your teenager to be a good friend

ReachOut Parents melalui situsnya menyampaikan pesan untuk meningkatkan perkembangan para remaja menjadi lebih positif dengan adanya peran orangtuan kepada para remajanya. berikut adalah ulasan dan video tentang hal itu :

We went along to the Family Pride picnic in Sydney and found out how these awesome parents teach their teenagers to be good friends. Pro tip: role-modelling comes up a few times.
Over years of watching you, your child will have seen your good and toxic friendships, arguments and fun times. They will listen to what is said by you about your friends – the good and bad. So use your experience to teach your teenager about choosing and developing great mates. By learning the skills to be a good friend, your child is more likely to build a strong support network. This is key to their wellbeing and their ability to deal well with challenges that arise through the teenage years.

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Information About ReachOut Parents :

ReachOut is Australia’s leading online mental health organisation for young people and their parents. Our practical support, tools and tips help young people get through anything from everyday issues to tough times – and the information we offer parents makes it easier for them to help their teenagers, too.

ReachOut has been changing the way people access help since launching as the world’s first online mental health service nearly 20 years ago. Everything we create is based on the latest evidence and designed with experts, and young people or their parents. That’s why our digital self-help tools are trusted, relevant and easy to use.

Available for free anytime and pretty much anywhere, ReachOut is accessed by 132,000 people in Australia every month. That’s more than 1.58 million each year.
